Top "Telegram" questions

Telegram is a cross-platform cloud-based instant messenger with a focus on security.

Upload file on Telegram with bot

I want to send file from URL to user with Telegram Bots, My files extension in .attheme but I can't …

telegram telegram-bot php-telegram-bot telegram-webhook
Telegram bot weird error : Bad Request: wrong file identifier/HTTP URL specified

I am sending message to telegram channel using bot. With using webhook method. I'm sending file_id via the link. …

php bots telegram telegram-bot
How can I download the chat history of a group in Telegram?

I would like to download the chat history (all messages) that were posted in a public group on Telegram. How …

python telegram
Send messages to telegram group without user input

I'm trying to build a bot which automatically sends a message whenever there is an update in the latest news …

python-3.x telegram telegram-bot python-telegram-bot
Telegram Bot custom keyboard in C#

I tried to create message with custom keyboard. So I send request with reply_markup = {"keyboard":[["1"],["2"]],"resize_keyboard":"True","one_…

c# bots telegram telegram-bot
Telegram API with PHP not bot

app using Ionic and have a PHP api backend for this app. We need to integrate Telegram API messaging in …

php api twitter telegram
telegram channel's post view count

I want to learn more about telegram channel's post view count system. How does it work ? and what are the …

api telegram
Proper way to build menus with python-telegram-bot

I work with python-telegram-bot and try to build a system of nested menus as BotFather bot does. For instance, you …

python menu bots telegram python-telegram-bot
Telegram Bot: How to get callback_data value?

I have a simple bot in Telegram. My "/select" command displays two buttons and each button has its own value. …

telegram telegram-bot php-telegram-bot
(python) Telegram bot- how to send messages periodically?

I have a dilemma regarding my telegram bot. Let's say I have to create a function that will ask, every …

python telegram telegram-bot python-telegram-bot