Top "Telegram" questions

Telegram is a cross-platform cloud-based instant messenger with a focus on security.

Handle multiple questions for Telegram bot in python

I'm programming a telegram bot in Python using the Telegram bot API. I'm facing the problem of managing questions that …

python bots telegram python-telegram-bot
How to open specific contact chat screen in various popular chat/social-networks apps?

Background I've found that there is a way to open a specific contact conversation screen on WhatsApp, here . Not only …

android facebook whatsapp telegram viber
Telegram Bot API error when try to edit message: "Bad Request: message not found"

I've tried to edit bot's message which was sended about 2 hours ago and got this error and supposed that this …

telegram telegram-bot
Set custom profile picture for a contact in Telegram

Is it possible to set a custom image for a contact who may has or not has a profile image …

contacts profile telegram
Telegram bot inline keyboard via Node.JS

I'm using the node-telegram-bot-api module, How can I make my keyboard to inline Keyboard? This is my code: bot.onText(/^\/…

javascript node.js telegram telegram-bot node-telegram-bot-api
Change telegram bot owner

We have created telegram bot which has many difficult operations. Bot was created by one developer using his phone number. …

telegram telegram-bot
How to send position using Telegram Desktop?

I'm trying to move my first steps in Telegram, so sorry for the entry-level question. I'm trying to use some …

telegram telegram-bot
I set my telegram bot webhook, but do not send the telegram. Why?

I set webhook my telegram bot with setwebhook method but when I send a message in bot don't take this …

bots telegram telegram-bot php-telegram-bot telegram-webhook
What should I do if I want tag all members of a group in telegram python bot?

I have a telegram bot running on python and based on telethon library. I wanna tag all members in a …

python tags telegram telegram-bot telethon
Chat API to add and remove members automatically

I'm working with a guy who uses telegram app to send bet tips on football matches. He wants the group …

api telegram telegram-bot php-telegram-bot