Telegram Bot API error when try to edit message: "Bad Request: message not found"

anatol picture anatol · Dec 29, 2016 · Viewed 9.5k times · Source

I've tried to edit bot's message which was sended about 2 hours ago and got this error and supposed that this message so old for editing that it is unable. Then I've tried to edit another message which was sended a little later and it was successful. But after this I've tried to edit one of recently sended messages an got this error one more time. Now it seems like request's results is random.

What does it mean?

Here an example of my POST query:{token}/editMessageText?chat_id=12345&message_id=370&text=New text

And here result:

  "ok": false,
  "error_code": 400,
  "description": "Bad Request: message not found"


Lenny Markus picture Lenny Markus · Jan 6, 2017

The time limit is 48 hours source

You will get this error code under either a deleted message, or one that has gone past the expiration time.

I haven't played with the Telegraph API in a while, but I did remember seeing some inconsistent behavior as you mentioned. I had to end up implementing retry logic on my API calls to get around it.

You could experiment manually first, to see if it's something that would help you. I don't know if they've addressed the issues I encountered in the past, but retrying did help me.