telegram channel's post view count

THEGREY picture THEGREY · Mar 3, 2017 · Viewed 15.2k times · Source

I want to learn more about telegram channel's post view count system. How does it work ? and what are the API (in VB) parts involved regarding to this.


Naser.Sadeghi picture Naser.Sadeghi · Mar 3, 2017

I had this question too. To get the answer I created a private channel and added one of my friends to it and posted some text. So only 2 people were in the channel and as the channel was private no one else had the chance of visiting the channel. After some days I understood that posts' view count increases and after searching a lot I understood that telegram counts view times when a specific user sees the post and this is repeated every 24 hours.

For example if you view a post today at 8:00 pm, other views will not count until tomorrow 8:00 pm and this cycle continues.