Top "Task" questions

A task is an abstraction that is used to work with concurrency, it can denote operation that should be executed concurrently with the rest of a program.

How to download s3 object directly into memory in java

Is it possible to download S3object in Java directly into memory and get it removed when i'm done with …

amazon-s3 task
Gradle task replace string in .java file

I want to replace few lines in my file before the code gets compiled. All I was able …

java gradle task
is using an an `async` lambda with `Task.Run()` redundant?

I just came across some code like: var task = Task.Run(async () => { await Foo.StartAsync(); }); task.Wait(); (No, I …

c# .net asynchronous task
C# task factory timeout

I have to execute a long process operation in a thread and continue by returning the result to a function. …

c# timeout task factory
When to use TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning?

I've wondered this for quite a while, but never really found the answer. I understand that it's a hint for …

c# multithreading task-parallel-library task
Find out whether celery task exists

Is it possible to find out whether a task with a certain task id exists? When I try to get …

python task status celery
TPL TaskFactory.FromAsync vs Tasks with blocking methods

I was wondering if there were any performance implications between using TPL TaskFactory.FromAsync and using TaskFactory.StartNew on blocking …

c#-4.0 task task-parallel-library networkstream taskfactory
Gradle extra properties not visible in a custom task defined in a subproject

I'm trying to reuse common logic among multiple Gradle tasks, similar to what was suggested in this answer, but I'm …

properties task gradle extra
Gulp change working directory for entire task

I'm working on a gulp file that contains tasks for both the frontend and the backend of my site. The …

task frontend backend gulp working-directory
android task kill

I want to kill all tasks that run in android like task killer... What I have done until now is: …

android task kill taskkill