Top "Task" questions

A task is an abstraction that is used to work with concurrency, it can denote operation that should be executed concurrently with the rest of a program.

Gradle task check if property is defined

I have a gradle task that executes a testng test suite. I want to be able to pass a flag …

properties gradle task testng
Waiting for async/await inside a task

I have this construct in my main(), which creates var tasks = new List<Task>(); var t = Task.Factory.…

c# .net task-parallel-library task async-await
What happens while waiting on a Task's Result?

I'm using the HttpClient to post data to a remote service in a .NET 4.0 project. I'm not concerned with this …

c# asynchronous task
How to get files and directories name using Gradle?

I have dir in which another task create files and directories so in this dir there are files, directories, subdirectroies, …

file directory gradle task filetree
System.Threading.Tasks - Limit the number of concurrent Tasks

I have just started to look at the new "System.Threading.Tasks" goodness in .Net 4.0, and would like to know …

.net multithreading task
Set ApartmentState on a Task

I am trying to set the apartment state on a task but see no option in doing this. Is there …

c# task task-parallel-library
Celery task that runs more tasks

I am using celerybeat to kick off a primary task that kicks of a number of secondary tasks. I have …

python django task celery
Polling the right way?

I am a software/hardware engineer with quite some experience in C and embedded technologies. Currently i am busy with …

c# multithreading task hardware polling
App always starts fresh from root activity instead of resuming background state (Known Bug)

I am facing exactly the problem mentioned in these links: http://…

android android-activity resume task