I'm working on a gulp file that contains tasks for both the frontend and the backend of my site.
The task below for example will concat my scripts into app.js:
gulp.task 'frontend:scripts', ->
gulp.src frontendPath(scriptsFolder, scriptsPattern)
.pipe sourcemaps.init()
.pipe coffee()
.pipe concat 'app.js'
.pipe sourcemaps.write('.')
.pipe gulp.dest frontendPath(tempFolder, scriptsFolder)
As you can see I've created a helper to provide the correct frontend path:
frontendPath = (dirs...) -> path.join.apply null, ['frontend'].concat(dirs)
But I have to be really careful that all the steps of my task (especially .src and .dest) are executed in the frontend folder.
I know that you can use the { cwd: 'frontend' }
option to change the working directory for .src and .dest. But is there a way to change the whole working directory for a task?
Use process.chdir
to change the working directory. We can make the change anywhere in a gulpfile, or in your situation, change it within a task.
gulp.task('frontend', function(){
gulp.task('backend', function(){
Make sure using the latest version of gulp, this feature seems to be added recently.