Spec-compliant universal module loader - loads ES6 modules, AMD, CommonJS and global scripts.
I am facing issues getting Karma to work with SystemJS, Angular2 and Typescript. Here is my karma.conf.js: 'use …
typescript angular karma-runner karma-jasmine systemjsI realize that I can compile my application with tsc my_app.ts --target system and it will generate a …
typescript commonjs angular systemjs tscI built an application for Angular 2 alpha 45 and it worked wonderfully, but I had to 'mess' around a lot to …
typescript visual-studio-2015 angular systemjsI'm getting more into System.js and JSPM, where I've come to the point where I want to bundle my …
typescript jspm systemjsI have an Angular 2 app (RC7) which started as a single component but is quickly becoming used throughout the project …
angular systemjs angular2-moduleswhat does var map,packages, var config do. And also the explain all the configuration property for the map and …
node.js angular systemjsI'm trying to use bootstrap-tagsinput library in my Angular2 project. The library is installed using package.json file: "dependencies": { ... "bootstrap-tagsinput": "^0.7.1", ... } …
javascript angularjs angular systemjs bootstrap-tags-inputVersions typescript: 2.1.4 systemjs: 0.19.41 angular: 1.5.10 angular-mocks: 1.5.10 Problem I'm trying to load angular-mocks with systemjs in a typescript 2.0 project. If i use …
angularjs systemjs angular-mock