Top "Systemjs" questions

Spec-compliant universal module loader - loads ES6 modules, AMD, CommonJS and global scripts.

How to import MongoDB using es6 style imports?

Hopefully this is a simple question. I am trying to import MongoDB using the es6 import-from style. If I import …

javascript node.js mongodb ecmascript-6 systemjs
Build Angular2 HTML and TypeScript to a single file

I'm putting together an app (Large scale) using Angular2 and TypeScript. It will need to be divided into numerous projects …

angular typescript systemjs systemjs-builder
Can system.js replace require.js

I'm using requirejs in a large project. This project will soon be upgraded to angular2. Angular2 uses system.js, so …

requirejs amd systemjs
Typescript Compiler error TS2307: Cannot find module 'jquery'

I was following JSPM getting started guide and I want to install jquery package so I execute below command. jspm …

javascript typescript systemjs jspm
Importing CSS and controlling order in <head> using jspm and system.js

I've written the following in an Aurelia app import "bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css!"; import "./app.css!"; and I want app.…

aurelia jspm systemjs
How to bundle Angular2 RC1 with systemjs

Prior to the release candidates angular supplied a bundled file. Since the release candidates there's no more bundled file. Including …

angular bundle rxjs systemjs
Angular 2: How to tell SystemJS to use a bundle?

I have an Angular 2 RC7 app where I use SystemJS to load JavaScript files. This is my current configuration for …

javascript angular bundle systemjs
How can I configure the jsdom instance used by jest?

I've come up against this issue Invalid URL is thrown when requiring systemjs in jest test cases One of the …

jestjs jsdom systemjs
how to use SystemJS to bundle angular TypeScript with internal modules

We are considering moving some of our angular projects over to typescript and having some trouble with internal module/namespaces. …

angularjs typescript ecmascript-6 systemjs es6-module-loader
Typescript module systems on momentJS behaving strangely

I'm trying to use momentJs from typescript: depending on what module system I'm using to compile typescript, I find a …

typescript momentjs commonjs systemjs