Top "Swt" questions

SWT: The Standard Widget Toolkit is a user interface library for Java maintained by the Eclipse Foundation.

How do you force a java swt program to "move itself to the foreground"?

Currently with swt, I sometimes want a program to arbitrarily come to the foreground (like an alarm clock might). Typically …

java shell user-interface swt foreground
How do I detect that a SWT dialog has been opened and is visible?

I have an SWT WizardDialog with a number of pages. When this dialog first opens I have to do a …

java eclipse swt rcp
How can I get my basic SWT application to exit properly in Mac OS X 10.5.6?

I have the following SWT test code: public static void main(String[] args) { shell = new Shell(); shell.setText(APP_NAME + " " + …

java macos swt
SWT components relayout after visibility set to false

Lets say if I have a GridLayout composite with column = 1. (Something like a vertical flow layout) I have added Label 1, …

java layout swt
Populating huge table in SWT/JFace RCP application

How would you go about displaying huge amount of rows in SWT table? Huge is something above 20K rows, 20 columns. …

java swt eclipse-rcp jface
Is there SWT Combo Box with any Object as data and LabelProvider for display?

I'm searching for an implementation of a Combo Box in SWT that will allow me to set the the entries …

java combobox swt eclipse-rcp
org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button click from code

I am trying to click Button from code. I am tying to do the following: class MyMouseAdapter extends MouseAdapter { public …

java swt
How can I set the selection on a swt table using setSelection and setting reveal to false?

I'm trying to select some items in my table, but I DON'T want them to be revealed. The problem is …

java swt jface tableviewer
Scrollable Composite - auto resize - swt

I have a Application Window using a Scrollable Composite. Inside scrollable composite we could have N composites (accordingly database data). …

java swt eclipse-rcp jface
JavaFX vs SWT? (Pros and Cons)

I am confused and don't know which to select: SWT/JFace or JavaFX. Which one is better? I know that …

user-interface swt javafx