Top "Swt" questions

SWT: The Standard Widget Toolkit is a user interface library for Java maintained by the Eclipse Foundation.

Disable AND grey out an SWT composite

I have a Composite that I want to be able to enable/disable programatically. The Control.setEnabled(boolean enabled) method …

Can I detect change in text fields in SWT?

I have a couple of SWT widgets. I am trying to create an action if there is any modification in …

java eclipse swt
SWT/JFace: remove widgets

Group group = new Group(parent, SWT.NONE); StyledText comment = new StyledText(group, SWT.BORDER_DASH); This creates a group with …

java swt jface
Open eclipse juno with error "No more handles ..." in Ubuntu 12.04

Starting today, every time I open up the eclipse, I got a message box with title "Problem Occured" pops up …

linux eclipse ubuntu swt mozilla
How to hide/delete column in SWT table

Which approach to use to have ability to hide/delete columns in the table in SWT (in Eclipse plugin in …

java swt
What is the best OpenGL java binding?

I am trying to achieve better performance for my Java SWT application, and I just found out it is possible …

java user-interface opengl performance swt
A more advanced table/spreadsheet SWT implementation

I'm developing an application based on Eclipse's Rich Client Platform that relies heavily on the use of tables for showing …

java eclipse swt spreadsheet
Is there an equivalent in Java for fieldset (HTML)?

Is there an element in Java (i.e. Swing/AWT or SWT) that is equivalent to the HTML element fieldset?

java swing swt awt
Proper way to bind a radio button group using JFace data binding

I was wondering if anyone could explain to me how I could properly bind a group of radio buttons to …

swt eclipse-rcp jface data-binding
SWT Shell resize depending on children

I'm working on this Composite canvas on which other Composites may be added and removed. My understanding of how the …

java swt eclipse-rcp jface