Top "Jface" questions

Use this tag for questions about JFace which is a Java application framework based on SWT.

org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: "Widget is disposed" from table refresh

The app is an Eclipse 3.6 based RCP (so jface version 3.5.2) running on windows 7. I have a custom View class that …

java swt eclipse-rcp jface
Check checkbox selection from within Listener

Working away at the moment but have come up with a small problem in JFace. I need to have a …

java button swt jface
Programmatically Fire a RCP Selection Event

In my Eclipse RCP application I use the Selection Service as described in this nice article. There is a TreeViewer …

java eclipse-rcp jface
how to dynamically add swt widgets to a composite?

I'm trying to add widgets like text boxes, buttons to a composite on click of a button. I've tried , but …

java user-interface swt jface
Adding a remove button to a column in a table

Is it possible to add a Remove button to a cell in a table? I have a table with 5 columns, …

java button swt jface tableviewer
SWT table: auto resize all columns

Qt solution is a single call to resizeColumnsToContent(), in .NET one can use TextRenderer.MeasureText(), JTable could use AUTO_RESIZE_…

java user-interface swt jface
File Explorer using Java - how to go about it?

I am set to create a file explorer using Java. The aim is to emulate the behavior of the default …

java swing swt jface
Wrap abel within a composite

I have ScrolledComposite which allows only vertical scrolling. (heighthint = 400). Within this ScrolledComposite, I have another CompositeA (height may exceed 400 for …

java eclipse swt jface
Databind and validate a TableViewer?

I use the org.eclipse.core.databinding framework to bind some Text fields in an SWT application. I add an …

java data-binding jface
SWT/JFace: remove widgets

Group group = new Group(parent, SWT.NONE); StyledText comment = new StyledText(group, SWT.BORDER_DASH); This creates a group with …

java swt jface