Top "Jface" questions

Use this tag for questions about JFace which is a Java application framework based on SWT.

Proper way to bind a radio button group using JFace data binding

I was wondering if anyone could explain to me how I could properly bind a group of radio buttons to …

swt eclipse-rcp jface data-binding
SWT Shell resize depending on children

I'm working on this Composite canvas on which other Composites may be added and removed. My understanding of how the …

java swt eclipse-rcp jface
How to get JavaDoc for SWT and JFace in Eclipse?

I'm a newbie to Eclipse and can't figure out how to get the JavaDocs for SWT and JFace to show …

java eclipse swt javadoc jface
How to always show vertical scroll bar in SWT table?

Is it possible to always show the vertical scroll bar in a SWT table even if the table is empty? …

java swt tableview jface
Using ProgressMonitorDialog in Eclipse 4 properly

I have a set of APIs that do file operations e.g. saveToFile(CustomObject objectToSave); Since a file operation could …

java eclipse swt eclipse-rcp jface
How do I change the background selection color for a jface table

In a elipse-rcp application I am setting the background color for a row in a jface table but I don't …

java eclipse-rcp jface
How can I add a hyperlink to a JFace Dialog

How can I make a hyperlink in a JFace Dialog that when clicked opens the link in the default web …

java swt eclipse-rcp jface
Looking for a Combo(Viewer) in SWT/JFace which supports autocomplete

I'm looking for a Combo(Viewer) in SWT/JFace which supports autocomplete / type-ahead, i.e. the user can enter a …

autocomplete swt jface type-ahead
Populating huge table in SWT/JFace RCP application

How would you go about displaying huge amount of rows in SWT table? Huge is something above 20K rows, 20 columns. …

java swt eclipse-rcp jface
How can I set the selection on a swt table using setSelection and setting reveal to false?

I'm trying to select some items in my table, but I DON'T want them to be revealed. The problem is …

java swt jface tableviewer