Top "Jface" questions

Use this tag for questions about JFace which is a Java application framework based on SWT.

Scrollable Composite - auto resize - swt

I have a Application Window using a Scrollable Composite. Inside scrollable composite we could have N composites (accordingly database data). …

java swt eclipse-rcp jface
AssertionFailedException while creating CellEditor in Eclipse

Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to create a CellEditor in Eclipse and when I …

eclipse swt jface eclipse-emf
Updating Eclipse JFace Treeviewer when model changes?

I am developing a RCP application with a TreeViewer. While there are good number of articles to explain how to …

eclipse jface rcp treeviewer
How to add a ViewerFilter on a JFace TableViewer that update dynamically?

I want to add in a SWT/JFace application a search functionality that filter a TableViewer as the user enter …

java swt jface
How to use log4j in an Eclipse RCP?

How to use log4j logging API in an Eclipse RCP project? As a workaround U tried to create a …

eclipse-plugin swt eclipse-rcp rcp jface
Eclipse JFace's Wizards

I need a wizard which second page content depends on the first page's selection. The first page asks the user …

java eclipse jface
How listen for check box in JFace Table Viewer

I am using a Table Viewer with check boxes as following: final TableViewer legendViewer = new TableViewer(parent, SWT.CHECK); What …

java eclipse jface viewer
TreeViewer.setSelection() does not select the correct item after the path given

If there are more tree items based on the same object in the tree viewer, making a TreePath and passing …

eclipse selection jface treeviewer
Set Size of JFace Wizard

I am building an Eclipse RCP application and am having trouble on settings the size of a JFace Wizard.

java eclipse wizard rcp jface
How to set double click to edit a Table cell in SWT/JFace?

Is it possible to change the default behavior of SWT/JFace to enable cell editing only with double clicking? The …

java tree swt jface treeviewer