Top "Rcp" questions

RCP stands for Rich Client Platform, and is software that provides a platform for application developers to build on.

How do I write a JUnit test case to test threads and events

I have a java code which works in one (main) thread. From the main thread, i spawn a new thread …

java multithreading events junit rcp
Java PDF Viewer

I am using java and RCP and I am trying to show pdf Document with Acrobat on my views. I …

java pdf rcp pdfrenderer
What of Eclipse project .metadata can I safely ignore in Git/Mercurial?

We have the code for an Eclipse RCP application in an Eclipse workspace containing multiple Java projects. We are using …

java eclipse git mercurial rcp
jar resources in jnlp are not signed by the same certificate

I've been working with web start for a couple years now and have experience with signing the jars and what …

java rcp java-web-start jnlp
Programmatically showing a View from an Eclipse Plug-in

I have a plug-in to an Eclipse RCP application that has a view. After an event occurs in the RCP …

eclipse eclipse-plugin eclipse-rcp rcp eclipse-pde
Unresolved requirement: Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.core.databinding.beans; bundle-version="1.2.200"

I am trying to create a RCP application in which, I want to bind a variable from a bean to …

java eclipse-plugin eclipse-rcp rcp
Which Rich Client Platform to use

We recently started to develop a Java desktop app and management has requested that we make use of Rich Client …

java osgi rcp
Eclipse RCP: Actions VS Commands

What are differences between Actions and Commands in the context of Eclipse RCP? I know that they both contribute to …

java eclipse command action rcp mechanism in eclipse RCP

My project includes multiple plugins and every plugin includes the file with near to 20 translations. The MANIFEST.MF …

java plugins rcp fragment