Top "Subversive" questions

The Subversive project aims to provide Subversion (SVN) integration for Eclipse.

How to fully delete Subclipse plugin?

I am having trouble getting rid of Subclipse from my Eclipse configuration. I made the decision to switch to Subversive …

eclipse svn subclipse subversive
Eclipse Merge Branch into Trunk

I am trying to merge my development branch back into the trunk of my repo. Steps I took: Switch to …

eclipse svn subversive
Subversive SVN Connector installation fails in Eclipse Oxygen

The installation of the Subversive SVN Connectors currently fails with Eclipse Oxygen. eclipse.log !ENTRY…

eclipse svn subversive
svn for eclipse on mac os lion

I need to use Subversion with Eclipse on Mac Lion. I encounter problem as below I saw: Subclipse in Mac …

eclipse macos svn subclipse subversive
Subversive error: "<file>... non-existent in that revision"

I have started to set up a new SVN repo on AWS, and am having trouble working with it from …

svn subclipse subversive
SVN Merge conflict during commit

Eclipse + Subversive plugin On commiting a directory which is out of sync with the SVN a message pops up: Merge …

eclipse svn conflict subversive svn-merge
Checking out Maven project from SVN in Eclipse

I have just downloaded and installed the latest Eclipse Juno. I have also installed Maven and SVN through the Eclipse …

eclipse maven svn subversive svn-checkout
svn: E180001: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL

I have installed TortoiseSVN 1.8.0 (OS: Windows 7). I have created repository using TortoiseSVN in External Harddisk. Also i have added SVN …

eclipse eclipse-plugin tortoisesvn subversive
How do you fix an SVN 409 Conflict Error

I used to use SVN 1.4 on OS X Leopard and everything was fine. A couple of weeks ago I installed …

svn apache macos subversive osx-snow-leopard
SVN client error "The server at [...] does not support the HTTP/DAV protocol"

I am updating from Windows 7 to a Windows 10 on a 64 bit system. I have no problems updating and checking out …

svn tortoisesvn subversive