Top "Conflict" questions


Android: View.setID(int id) programmatically - how to avoid ID conflicts?

I'm adding TextViews programmatically in a for-loop and add them to an ArrayList. How do I use TextView.setId(int …

android android-view conflict
Git resolve conflict using --ours/--theirs for all files

Is there a way to resolve conflict for all files using checkout --ours and --theirs? I know that you can …

git conflict resolve merge-conflict-resolution
How do I implement JQuery.noConflict() ?

I am using both javascript and jquery code on the same html page. For some reason, the jQuery library is …

javascript jquery conflict
Eclipse EGit Checkout conflict with files: - EGit doesn't want to continue

I've started Eclipse EGit. In some scenarios it is really not comprehensive. I have local file e.g. pom.xml …

eclipse git merge conflict egit
How do I manage conflicts with git submodules?

I have a git superproject that references several submodules and I am trying to lock down a workflow for the …

git branch git-submodules conflict
How can I discard remote changes and mark a file as "resolved"?

I have some local files, I pull from remote branch and there are conflicts. I know that I would like …

git merge conflict git-merge-conflict
How do I resolve a conflict after git pull?

I have to solve some conflict after a git pull. $ git pull CONFLICT (rename/add): Renamed vignette_generator_mashed.h-&…

git conflict git-merge git-pull
Trouble merging upstream changes back into my branch

I'm running into conflicts while trying to merge upstream changes back into my branch and I'm not sure how to …

git merge commit conflict partial
Git says a file is unmerged and I can't commit, but the file seems to be merged

I had about 12 file conflicts when I merged branches. I manually fixed all the conflicts and staged the files. But …

git merge conflict
Force Git to always choose the newer version during a merge?

Let's assume I merge git and there is a merge conflict. My question is: how can I force git to …

git merge conflict