Checking out Maven project from SVN in Eclipse

Harvey picture Harvey · Aug 11, 2012 · Viewed 21.7k times · Source

I have just downloaded and installed the latest Eclipse Juno. I have also installed Maven and SVN through the Eclipse Market Place. The problem I am getting is that when I check-out a project from my SVN repository, the project doesn't get checked out as a Maven project.

I am using Windows 7 x64 OS. Could anyone shed some light on this matter? Am I doing something wrong?


Nicholas Albion picture Nicholas Albion · Aug 12, 2012

With m2e installed, you can right click on the project and:

  • "Configure"->"Convert to maven project" (and it will read your pom.xml) or
  • "Maven"->"Disable maven nature"

I often use both steps (in reverse order) to "reboot" the maven configuration.