How to checkout maven project from svn repository

Curt picture Curt · Aug 15, 2012 · Viewed 53.4k times · Source

I am new to Maven and Eclipse, I need to check out an existing Maven project from a SVN repository. I have installed the M2E plugin and the subversion plugin and they seem to be working properly. Here are the Installation Details --> enter image description here

When I right click in the project explorer and select Import -> SVN -> Project from SVN, then select the repository location and click finish, I am prompted with 4 possibilitiesenter image description here

What is the procedure for checking out a Maven Project from this point on, or am I on the right track here?

Thanks for your help in advance!


Ashutosh Jindal picture Ashutosh Jindal · Aug 15, 2012

tl;dr : Check out this video. The portion between 1:04 and 1:50 should answer your question (To skip to the interesting part, click on the youtube player and press 4).

You already have the SVN connector for m2e installed. Thus it should be possible to Import Existing Maven Project from the SVN repository.

From the options you have listed in the above snapshot, you should be able to proceed after selecting the First or the Fourth option i.e. :

enter image description here

(according to Mauno V's suggestion below) To convert this imported project into a Maven project Right Click on it and do a Configure -> Convert to a Maven Project like so :

enter image description here