Top "Subversive" questions

The Subversive project aims to provide Subversion (SVN) integration for Eclipse.

Subversive: svn: E195016: Cannot merge into a working copy with a switched subtree

I have an issue with Eclipse and Subversive. I'm trying to reintegrate a branch of a project into the trunk. …

svn merge subversive svnkit svn-merge
SVN: Problems with tag creation in Eclipse with Subversive

I'm trying to create to create a tag in svn repo for my project. I use Eclipse and Subversive plugin. …

eclipse svn tagging subversive
[eclipse]an error occurred while accessing the repository entry

the eclipse shows these errors. i've areadly download the svn,and svnkit

eclipse svn subversive svnkit javahl
SVN: Synchronize branch with trunk in Eclipse?

I have an SVN branch and a trunk. The trunk changes regularly and the branch doesn't. Every now and then (…

eclipse svn merge subversive synchronize
How do I fire up the Subversion Connections Discovery after installing the plugin in Eclipse?

I manually installed Eclipse Juno Java EE on my Ubuntu 12.04, inside the /usr/lib folder, then proceeded creating a link …

eclipse eclipse-plugin eclipse-juno subversive
How can I stop Eclipse from asking to install Subversive Connectors

I'm using Eclipse Helios v3.6 and every time I start up I get the following dialog. Yet I do not …

eclipse subversive
Search in SVN Eclipse plugin

I am using Subversive plugin for Eclipse to connect to SVN Code repository. Our code base is so huge, that …

eclipse svn subversive