How can I stop Eclipse from asking to install Subversive Connectors

Queso picture Queso · Oct 5, 2010 · Viewed 7.9k times · Source

I'm using Eclipse Helios v3.6 and every time I start up I get the following dialog. Yet I do not use subversion. Does anyone know how to make this stop?

Subversive Connector Discovery


ran488 picture ran488 · Aug 18, 2011

I had the same issue. To fix it I went into my Eclipse plug-ins directory and searched for anything with "svn", "subversion", or "subclipse" in the filename. I removed the following JAR's and relaunched Eclipse. So far so good.

01/19/2011  09:37 AM             8,262 com.smartbear.collaborator.subclipse_6.0.6016.jar
01/19/2011  09:37 AM            19,556 com.smartbear.collaborator.subversive_6.0.6016.jar
01/19/2011  09:37 AM            10,539 com.smartbear.collaborator.ui.subclipse_6.0.6016.jar
01/19/2011  09:37 AM            11,093 com.smartbear.collaborator.ui.subversive_6.0.6016.jar
05/04/2011  11:03 AM           943,141
05/04/2011  11:04 AM         2,490,582
05/04/2011  11:44 AM            82,086 org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter_1.6.12.jar
05/04/2011  11:44 AM           297,927 org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.core_1.6.17.jar
05/04/2011  11:44 AM         1,928,100 org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.ui_1.6.17.jar