Top "Subset" questions

A subset consists of those elements selected from a larger set of elements, by their position in the larger set or other features, such as their value.

subsetting in data.table

I am trying to subset a data.table ( from the package data.table ) in R (not a data.frame). I …

r subset data.table
Python: Check if one dictionary is a subset of another larger dictionary

I'm trying to write a custom filter method that takes an arbitrary number of kwargs and returns a list containing …

python dictionary filter subset
How to remove rows of a matrix by row name, rather than numerical index?

I have matrix g: > g[1:5,1:5] rs7510853 rs10154488 rs12159982 rs2844887 rs2844888 NA06985 "CC" "CC" "CC" "CC" "CC" NA06991 "CC" "CC" "…

r matrix subset rowname
how do I grep in R?

I would like to choose rows based on the subsets of their names, for example If I have the following …

r subset
Creating subset of a Set in Java

I have a LinkedHashSet, i.e an ordered set. I'm trying to find a function to just return a subset …

java set subset linkedhashset
Filtering a data frame on a vector

I have a data frame df with an ID column eg A,B,etc. I also have a vector containing …

r dataframe subset
Check whether an array is a subset of another

Any idea on how to check whether that list is a subset of another? Specifically, I have List<double&…

c# list linq subset
Subset data based on partial match of column names

I need to subset a df to include certain strings. Some of these are full column names, and the following …

r subset
Remove highly correlated variables

I have a huge dataframe 5600 X 6592 and I want to remove any variables that are correlated to each other more …

r function subset correlation
Subset based on variable column name

I'm wondering how to use the subset function if I don't know the name of the column I want to …

r shiny subset