Top "Linkedhashset" questions

LinkedHashSet is a variant of HashSet

HashSet vs LinkedHashSet

What is the difference between them? I know that A LinkedHashSet is an ordered version of HashSet that maintains a …

java hashset linkedhashset
Creating subset of a Set in Java

I have a LinkedHashSet, i.e an ordered set. I'm trying to find a function to just return a subset …

java set subset linkedhashset
Using the keySet() method in HashMap

I have a method that goes through the possible states in a board and stores them in a HashMap void …

java hashmap hashset linkedhashset
Ordering of elements in Java HashSet

Why do the second and third sets preserve order: Integer[] j = new Integer[]{3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; LinkedHashSet<Integer> i = new LinkedHashSet&…

java collections hashset linkedhashset
Java LinkedHashSet backwards iteration

How can I iterate through items of a LinkedHashSet from the last item to the first one?

java set iteration linkedhashset
How to get one element from LinkedHashSet in Java?

I'm looking to write code that partitions a given set into disjoint subsets. For example, a set of football players …

java iterator linkedhashset
Copying LinkedHashset content to new ArrayList?

I've a listView that has some content initially. If the same content it gets, i removed the duplication through linkedhashset. …

java android arraylist linkedhashset
What is the main difference between Hashset, Treeset and LinkedHashset, Hashmap and how does it work in Java?

I just understand that LinkedHashSet does not allows duplicate elements when it is inserting. But, I dont understand how does …

java collections hashset linkedhashset
LinkedHashSet - insertion order and duplicates - keep newest "on top"

I need a collection that keeps insertion order and has unique values. LinkedHashSet looks like the way to go, but …

java list linkedhashset
JTable - Boolean to show as check box and must be editable

Ok so I have a JTable that I populated from an LinkedHashSet of Books. public static void LibToArray(){ rowData = new …

java swing jtable linkedhashset