Top "Rowname" questions

The name of rows in a dataframe.

Convert row names into first column

I have a data frame like this: df VALUE ABS_CALL DETECTION P-VALUE 1007_s_at "957.729231881542" "P" "0.00486279317241156" 1053_at "320.632701283368" "P" "0.0313356324173416" 117_at "429.842323161046" "P" "0.0170004527476119" 121_…

r dataframe col rowname
Row names & column names in R

Do the following function pairs generate exactly the same results? Pair 1) names() & colnames() Pair 2) rownames() & row.names()

r columnname rowname
Removing display of row names from data frame

I am creating a dataframe using this code: df <- data.frame(dbGetQuery(con, paste('select * from test'))) Which …

r printing dataframe output-formatting rowname
Specifying row names when reading in a file

I have a .txt file that contains row names. However, R set the row names as the first column.

r csv dataframe rowname
How to select some rows with specific rownames from a dataframe?

I have a data frame with several rows. I want to select some rows with specific rownames (such as stu2,…

r dataframe subset rowname
Remove index name in pandas

I have a dataframe like this one: In [10]: df Out[10]: Column 1 foo Apples 1 Oranges 2 Puppies 3 Ducks 4 How to remove index …

python pandas indexing rowname
Merging more than 2 dataframes in R by rownames

I gather data from 4 df's and would like to merge them by rownames. I am looking for an efficient way …

r merge dataframe reduce rowname
How to remove rows of a matrix by row name, rather than numerical index?

I have matrix g: > g[1:5,1:5] rs7510853 rs10154488 rs12159982 rs2844887 rs2844888 NA06985 "CC" "CC" "CC" "CC" "CC" NA06991 "CC" "CC" "…

r matrix subset rowname
How do I extract rownames from a matrix?

I have a matrix with rownames that are dates. I want to extract these row names into a variable, and …

r matrix rowname
Changing dimnames of matrices and data frames in R

Let's say I have created the following matrix: > x <- matrix(1:20000,nrow=100) > x[1:10,1:10] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [1,] 1 101 201 301 401 501 601 701 801 901 [2,] 2 102 202 302 402 502 602 702 802 902 [3,] 3 103 203 303 403 503 603 703 803 903 [4,] 4 104 204 304 404 504 604 704 804 904 [5,] 5 105 205 305 405 505 605 705 805 905 [6,] 6 106 206 306 406 506 606 706 806 906 [7,] 7 107 207 307 407 507 607 707 807 907 [8,] 8 108 208 308 408 508 608 708 808 908 [9,] 9 109 209 309 409 509 609 709 809 909 [10,] 10 110 210 310 410 510 610 710 810 910 What are the methods …

r dimensions columnname rowname