Top "Stylecop" questions

StyleCop analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules.

Code Cleanup - tool to move all using statements inside namespace in all cs files in my solution?

After writing a whole bunch of code - i am finally waking up to adding CA and StyleCop to my …

c# .net visual-studio-2010 resharper stylecop
StyleCop vs ReSharper and general coding-style questions

Just found StyleCop, looks like something worth using for my projects. Then I found out you could use it with … coding-style resharper stylecop
StyleCop for other languages

weve been using StyleCop for enforcing coding standards in C#, I was wondering are there similar tools for other languages? …

coding-style stylecop
CA1014 Mark 'some.dll' with CLSCompliant(true) error message with StyleCop of VS2010

When I run StyleCop, I got this error message saying that I need to Mark the dll with CLSCompliant(true). …

visual-studio visual-studio-2010 dll stylecop cls-compliant
StyleCop SA1638

I am using StyleCop in VS2008. I get this error: SA1638: The file attribute in the file header's copyright tag …

c# visual-studio-2008 stylecop
Is there a way to enforce using tabs instead of spaces?

StyleCop offers to check for consistent use of spaces, but sadly lacks the opposite idea: Force source code to use …

c# indentation stylecop
Set ReSharper to put the 'using' import outside the namespace

I've ReSharper v9.0 installed on my VS. I also use StyleCop. I've disabled SA1200, so when I put the using …

namespaces resharper stylecop using-statement
Alternative to StyleCop for Visual Studio?

I like StyleCop's static code analysis and rules enforcement. However, it is severely lacking in several key departments. Adding new …

.net visual-studio code-analysis stylecop
Implementing StyleCop MSBUILD From NuGet Package

A quick precursor to say that I've done the usual searching around the forums and net in general, and I've …

c# msbuild nuget stylecop
How to use StyleCop from command line?

Is there a way to use StyleCop 4.5 from the command line on an individual source file, like stylecop HelloWorld.cs?

c# stylecop