Code Cleanup - tool to move all using statements inside namespace in all cs files in my solution?

MoXplod picture MoXplod · Nov 17, 2011 · Viewed 10.6k times · Source

After writing a whole bunch of code - i am finally waking up to adding CA and StyleCop to my solution.

By default all files (a lot of them) in my solution have using statements at the top of the file before the namespace.

I have resharper 6.0 and powertools in visual studio. Is there a way using these or any other tool that will go through all my CS file in the solution and put the using statements inside the namespace for each file.


Gebb picture Gebb · Nov 17, 2011

With Resharper it can be done in two steps.

  1. Set the checkbox "Add 'using' directive to the deepest scope" in Code EditingC#Code StyleReference qualification. Options v9

  2. In the context menu of the solution choose "Cleanup Code...". SLN context menu

You might want to create a custom cleanup pofile that suits your needs before performing the cleanup.

In ReSharper before v9 the setting is located somewhere else: Options v8