Top "Stylecop" questions

StyleCop analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules.

How can you force StyleCop to ignore a file?

I've included a 3rd party .cs file in my code. It doesn't comply with StyleCop's rules but I desperately need …

c# visual-studio-2010 code-formatting stylecop
StyleCop.Analyzers: Disable SA1633 & SA1652

I have already consulted the configuration documentation, but couldn't find anything. I want to disable both of the following rules: …

How to properly install StyleCop for Visual Studio 2017 Community?

Well i downloaded the newest version, then installed, checked to instal entire files on local drive. I restarted Visual Studio 2017 …

visual-studio-2017 stylecop vs-community-edition
C# - StyleCop - SA1121: UseBuiltInTypeAlias - Readability Rules

Not found it in StyleCop Help Manual, on SO and Google so here it is ;) During StyleCop use I have …

c# code-analysis rules stylecop
How to get rid of StyleCop

Someone on our team installed StyleCop and since then all of the projects he loaded up and committed to source …

c# stylecop csproj
How to exclude private members from StyleCop rule SA1600

Does anyone know how to change the StyleCop rule SA1600 that says elements must be documented so that it only …

customization static-analysis stylecop
StyleCop formatting

How can I format the following line to eliminate StyleCop warnings: this.BeginInvoke(this.updateHandler,new object[]{this.tmpbuf}); Now, …

c# stylecop
Best way to integrate StyleCop with TFS CI

I've been doing research on how to enable source analysis for the project I'm working on and plan to use …

tfs msbuild coding-style continuous-integration stylecop
How to use StyleCop with TeamCity

Has anyone had any success with running StyleCop from TeamCity? I know StyleCop supports a command line mode, however i …

teamcity stylecop
Specify path to CustomDictionary file for StyleCop spellchecking

Spell checking of the comments was added to the recent versions of StyleCop. It seems I can reuse my existing …

c# .net spell-checking stylecop