Spell checking of the comments was added to the recent versions of StyleCop. It seems I can reuse my existing CustomDictionary file (that I created for FxCop) with StyleCop. SA1650 rule documentation does not say that it is possible. But in release notes for version 4.7.39 I see
Add support for specifying dictionary folders in the settings.StyleCop file.
How do I configure StyleCop to search for this file in the root folder of my solution?
In my case it worked when I specified the custom dictionary entries in the Settings.StyleCop file located next to the .csproj file.
<StringProperty Name="MergeSettingsFiles">NoMerge</StringProperty>
<CollectionProperty Name="RecognizedWords">
Actually, the StyleCopSettingsEditor.exe utility created these settings for me. I opened it using the project's context menu in Visual Studio, using the "StyleCop Settings" menu item.