Top "Stringi" questions

stringi is THE R package for fast, correct, consistent and convenient string/text processing in each locale and any native character encoding.

Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) : there is no package called 'stringi'

When I use library(Hmisc) I get the following error Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[…

r ggplot2 hmisc stringi
Error in R: (Package which is only available in source form, and may need compilation of C/C++/Fortran)

I'm trying to install the 'yaml' and 'stringi' packages in R-Studio, and it keeps giving me these errors: > install.…

r installation yaml stringi
package 'stringi' does not work after updating to R3.2.1

I saw a version of this question posted, but still did not see the answer. I am trying to use …

r ggplot2 stringi
Filter by multiple patterns with filter() and str_detect()

I would like to filter a dataframe using filter() and str_detect() matching for multiple patterns without multiple str_detect() …

r stringr tidyverse stringi
Installation of packages ‘stringr’ and ‘stringi’ had non-zero exit status

Please help me to install stringr and stringi packages in R. The result is: install.packages("stringi") Installing package into ‘…

r stringr stringi
How to install stringi library from archive and install the local

We're bumbling through making some R code work in a production environment and as part of that we're installing some …

r ubuntu icu stringi
How to install stringi from local file (ABSOLUTELY no Internet Access)

I am working on a remote server using RStudio. This server has no access to the Internet. I would like …

r package stringi
How to use paste with for-loops?

I am trying to use the function stri_join, from the library stringi in a loop, but I am having …

r loops stringi