Top "Stm32f4" questions

STM32 F4 controllers are entry-level ARM Cortex-M4 MCUs from ST Microelectronics.

"No ST-LINK detected" error message, when trying to connect with ST-LINK Utility

I have a NUCLEO-F401RE board (with STM32F401RE) and it has been working fine for the most part. …

stm32 stm32f4 openocd
How to write/read to FLASH on STM32F4, Cortex M4

I want to write a variable, for example an integer with the number 5 to the FLASH and then after the …

c mbed stm32f4 flash-memory
How do I use the STM32CUBEF4 HAL library to read out the sensor data with i2c?

I want to use the latest HAL library instead of Standard Peripheral Library. And i want to readout the BMA250…

stm32 i2c stm32f4
STM32F4 Timers - Calculation of Period and Prescale, and Generating 1 ms Delay

I am using STM32F407VGT6 with CubeMX. So i was beginning with General purpose timers and i am stuck …

timer microcontroller stm32 stm32f4 cubemx
STM32F4 UART Rx Interrupt Example Code

I've been trying to implement a basic per-byte UART Rx Interrupt on a STM32F4 board using HAL skeleton code …

interrupt uart stm32f4
STM32 HAL SPI 16 bit Transmit

I am trying to use HAL_SPI_Transmit(.) for 16 bit data transmission. I have configured the SPI using STM32Cube …

c stm32 spi stm32f4discovery stm32f4
Read-out protection enabled without any action and can't be disabled

I am currently working on a standalone STM32F4 based board (STM32F469). So far, everything worked fine. I was …

stm32 source-code-protection stm32f4
How to write to STM32 Flash

I want to write to flash Sector 11 of STM32F407VGT from my user code to store some data. I …

stm32 stm32f4discovery flash-memory stm32f4 stm32-hal
What are weak functions and what are their uses? I am using a stm32f429 micro controller

Wikipedia says: A weak symbol denotes a specially annotated symbol during linking of Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) object files. …

c stm32f4discovery stm32f4 stm32ldiscovery
How to make UART communication using ST-Link V2?

I have an STM32F417IG mcu connected with my PC. I use CoIDE and an ST-Link\v2 ISOL, to …

serial-port remote-debugging uart stm32f4