Top "Stm32f4" questions

STM32 F4 controllers are entry-level ARM Cortex-M4 MCUs from ST Microelectronics.

STM32cubeMX Firmware Package

I start generate code in STM32cubeMX, and i got this message "The Firmware Package(STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.11.0)…

stm32 stm32f4discovery stm32ldiscovery stm32f4 stm32l152
Error: A1163E Unknown Opcode R0, expecting opcode or Macro with instruction in the left column

Today I've been getting this error in my code stating: RTE\Device\STM32F407VGTx\startup_stm32f407xx.s(191): …

assembly arm stm32f4 armasm