Top "Stdbind" questions

The C++11 function std::bind() fixes some or all arguments of a function object, returning another function object that takes fewer arguments.

std::function and std::bind: what are they, and when should they be used?

I know what functors are and when to use them with std algorithms, but I haven't understood what Stroustrup says …

c++ c++11 std-function stdbind
How std::bind works with member functions

I'm working with std::bind but I still don't get how it works when we use it with member class …

c++ c++11 std stdbind
Why is std::bind not working without placeholders in this example (member function)?

For example, this is my member function (do_it): class oops { public: void do_it(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer …

c++ function c++11 stdbind
Difference between C++11 std::bind and boost::bind

Is there any difference between the two? Or am I safe to replace every occurrence of boost::bind by std::…

c++ c++11 boost boost-bind stdbind
std::bind and overloaded function

Please refer the following code snippet. I want to use the std::bind for overloaded function foobar. It calls only …

c++ c++11 stdbind
How to combine the use of std::bind with std::shared_ptr

I need to do something like this more than often: AsyncOperation * pAsyncOperation = new AsyncOperation(); auto bindOperation = std::bind(&AsyncOperation::…

c++ c++11 std shared-ptr stdbind
How to bind function to an object by reference?

I have the following code to bind a member function to an instance of the class: class Foo { public: int …

c++ stdbind
Why use mem_fn?

I'm confused as to why std::mem_fn is needed. I have a function that takes in any callable (lambda, …

c++ c++11 stdbind
some practical uses of mem_fn & bind

Can someone recommend some cool practical uses of tr1's mem_fn and bind utilities? I don't need esoteric c++ …

c++ stdbind tr1 mem-fun