Top "Boost-bind" questions

boost::bind is a generalization of the standard C++ functions std::bind1st and std::bind2nd.

How to use boost bind with a member function

The following code causes cl.exe to crash (MS VS2005). I am trying to use boost bind to create a …

c++ boost boost-bind boost-function
how boost::function and boost::bind work

I dislike having magic boxes scattered all over my exactly do these two classes work to allow basically …

c++ boost boost-bind boost-function
boost::bind with functions that have parameters that are references

I noticed that when passing reference parameters to boost bind, those parameters won't act like references. Instead boost creates another …

c++ boost-bind
Difference between C++11 std::bind and boost::bind

Is there any difference between the two? Or am I safe to replace every occurrence of boost::bind by std::…

c++ c++11 boost boost-bind stdbind
boost shared_from_this<>()

could someone summarize in a few succinct words how the boost shared_from_this<>() smart pointer should be …

c++ boost boost-asio boost-bind
boost::bind and class member function

Consider following example. #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <boost/bind.hpp&…

c++ boost-bind
Pass and call a member function (boost::bind / boost::function?)

I have a probably embarassingly simple problem: pass and call a member function in a class. I know I want …

c++ boost-bind boost-function
How do you pass boost::bind objects to a function?

I have a one-dimensional function minimizer. Right now I'm passing it function pointers. However many functions have multiple parameters, some …

c++ boost-bind
How to implement generic callbacks in C++

Forgive my ignorance in asking this basic question but I've become so used to using Python where this sort of …

c++ boost boost-bind
Using boost::asio::io_service::post()

First i asked this Running a function on the main thread from a boost thread and passing parameters to that …

boost boost-asio boost-thread boost-bind