Top "Std" questions

The C++ Standard Library, and its namespace.

Obtaining list of keys and values from unordered_map

What is the most efficient way of obtaining lists (as a vector) of the keys and values from an unordered_…

c++ vector c++11 std unordered-map
When is it necessary to use the flag -stdlib=libstdc++?

When is it necessary to use use the flag -stdlib=libstdc++ for the compiler and linker when compiling with gcc? …

c++ gcc c++11 std libstdc++
A std::map that keep track of the order of insertion?

I currently have a std::map<std::string,int> that stores an integer value to an unique string …

c++ dictionary std insertion-order
Is there a tab equivalent of std::endl within the standard library?

Using C++, is there an equivalent standard library constant for '\t' like there is for a newline? Ideally: std::…

c++ std
how to find the intersection of two std::set in C++?

I have been trying to find the intersection between two std::set in C++, but I keep getting an error. …

c++ std stl-algorithm stdset
std vector C++ -- deep or shallow copy

I wonder whether copying a vector I am copying the vector with its values (whereas this is not working with …

c++ vector copy std deep-copy
std::ofstream, check if file exists before writing

I am implementing file saving functionality within a Qt application using C++. I am looking for a way to check …

c++ stream std fstream ofstream
ifstream, end of line and move to next line?

how do i detect and move to the next line using std::ifstream? void readData(ifstream& in) { string sz; …

c++ std ifstream
How to time a function in milliseconds without boost::timer

I am using boost 1.46 which does not include boost::timer, What other way can I time my functions. I am …

c++ boost timer std timing
std::string vs string in c++

Possible Duplicates: Why is 'using namespace std;' considered a bad practice in C++? Using std Namespace Ive been hovering …

c++ string std