Top "Std" questions

The C++ Standard Library, and its namespace.

const unsigned char * to std::string

sqlite3_column_text returns a const unsigned char*, how do I convert this to a std::string? I've tried std::…

c++ std
how to compare two std::set?

I do such comparison of two std::set #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; #include &…

c++ set std
Should I use std::function or a function pointer in C++?

When implementing a callback function in C++, should I still use the C-style function pointer: void (*callbackFunc)(int); Or should …

c++ function c++11 callback std
Best way to append vector to vector

std::vector<int> a; std::vector<int> b; std::vector<int> c; I would …

c++ c++11 vector append std
Why would I ever use push_back instead of emplace_back?

C++11 vectors have the new function emplace_back. Unlike push_back, which relies on compiler optimizations to avoid copies, emplace_…

c++ c++11 std
std::lexical_cast - is there such a thing?

Does the C++ Standard Library define this function, or do I have to resort to Boost? I searched the web …

c++ parsing casting std c++-standard-library
I want to kill a std::thread using its thread object?

Possible Duplicate: C++0x thread interruption I am trying to kill/stop a c++ std::thread by using its thread …

c++ multithreading c++11 std stdthread
std::shared_ptr thread safety

I've read that "Multiple threads can simultaneously read and write different shared_ptr objects, even when the objects are copies …

c++ std shared-ptr
How is std::string implemented?

I am curious to know how std::string is implemented and how does it differ from c string?If the …

c++ string std cstring
What is the fastest way to change a key of an element inside std::map

I understand the reasons why one can't just do this (rebalancing and stuff): iterator i = m.find(33); if (i != m.…

c++ performance dictionary binary-tree std