Top "Ofstream" questions

Output file streams are C++ standard library objects used to write to files.

Read file line by line using ifstream in C++

The contents of file.txt are: 5 3 6 4 7 1 10 5 11 6 12 3 12 4 Where 5 3 is a coordinate pair. How do I process this data line by line …

c++ file-io ofstream
std::ofstream, check if file exists before writing

I am implementing file saving functionality within a Qt application using C++. I am looking for a way to check …

c++ stream std fstream ofstream
Writing stringstream contents into ofstream

I'm currently using std::ofstream as follows: std::ofstream outFile;; Then I attempt to pass a …

c++ stl parameters stringstream ofstream
"ofstream" as function argument

Is there a way to pass output stream as argument like void foo (std::ofstream dumFile) {} I tried that but …

c++ function ofstream
How does one write the hex values of a char in ASCII to a text file?

Here is what I currently have so far: void WriteHexToFile( std::ofstream &stream, void *ptr, int buflen, char *prefix ) { …

c++ ascii hex ofstream
Avoid contents of an existing file to be overwritten when writing to a file

I am trying to make a game that implements high scores into a .txt file. The question I have is …

c++ ofstream
do I need to close a std::fstream?

Possible Duplicate: Do I need to manually close a ifstream? Do I need to call fstream.close() or is fstream …

c++ std fstream ofstream
"Incomplete type not allowed " when creating std::ofstream objects

Visual Studio Throws this Strange Error: Incomplete type not allowed When I try to create an std::ofstream object. Here …

c++ visual-studio-2013 fstream ofstream
C++ How to create a bitmap file

I am trying to figure out how to create a bitmap file in C++ VS. Currently I have taken in …

c++ bitmap bmp ofstream
Writing Integers to a .txt file in c++

I am new to C++ and want to write data(integers) on a .txt file. The data is in three …

c++ fstream ofstream file-writing