Top "Static-classes" questions

In object oriented programming a static class is a class whose members must be accessed without an instance of the class.

How to inject into static classes using Dagger?

I want to introduce dependency injection through Dagger to a project. The following code acts as an example to describe …

android dependency-injection dagger static-classes
Extension methods on a static class?

I know i can do the below to extend a class. I have a static class i would like to …

c# extension-methods static-classes
Extension Methods vs Instance Methods vs Static Class

I'm a little bit confused about the different ways to use methods to interact with objects in C#, particularly the …

c# extension-methods poco static-classes instance-methods
Variables in a Javascript module visible outside of it?

To start, I'm coming from a .NET world, where there are static classes (C#, also known as modules in VB) …

javascript module scope global-variables static-classes
Returning 'this' in a static method

I would like to make a static class with a fluent interface but I am getting the error: 'this' is …

c# .net this static-classes
AS3: Static class versus Singleton

I know SO pals are not fans of "versus" questions but... even rephrasing the tittle a bit, the versus part …

actionscript-3 singleton static-classes
Eclipse has some problems with auto import static classes

I have some problems with eclipse. if I use something like anyMap() in my source code, and press then CTRL + …

eclipse import static-classes
Are static classes supported by Swift?

I would like to know if you can create static classes in swift similar to those in C# i.e. …

swift static-classes