Top "Instance-methods" questions

What is the difference between class and instance methods?

What's the difference between a class method and an instance method? Are instance methods the accessors (getters and setters) while …

objective-c oop methods class-method instance-methods
Call function from Main()

I am new to C# and I'm having a little problem with calling a function from the Main() method. class …

c# static-methods instance-methods
Ruby: Can I use instance methods inside a class method?

I have a class that contains this class method: def self.get_event_record(row, participant) event = Event.where( :participant_…

ruby-on-rails ruby class-method instance-methods
Call static method from instance in PHP, future deprecation?

While I understand the $this variable is not available when a method is called in a static context, to assist …

php this static-methods deprecated instance-methods
Calling ruby method without instantiating class

If I call a method on a rails active model method like so: class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base end Foo.…

ruby-on-rails ruby instance-methods class-method
how to call @selector method from another class

is it possible to call @selector methods from another class ? for example i make a method "bannerTapped:" and call it …

objective-c ios7 uitapgesturerecognizer instance-methods
Extension Methods vs Instance Methods vs Static Class

I'm a little bit confused about the different ways to use methods to interact with objects in C#, particularly the …

c# extension-methods poco static-classes instance-methods