Top "State" questions

The contents of memory locations, at any given point in the program's execution, is called the program's state.

Jstree state plugin not saving tree state

Adding the state plugin in Jstree is still not saving the state of the tree between page refresh or after …

jquery state jstree
Push checkbox value to array on state onChange

I want to allow users to select days of the week from checkboxes. When a checkbox is checked, the value …

arrays reactjs state setstate
ST Monad == code smell?

I'm working on implementing the UCT algorithm in Haskell, which requires a fair amount of data juggling. Without getting into …

haskell state monads state-monad
How to represent a simple finite state machine in Ocaml?

I have written some state machine in C++ and Java but never in a functional language like Ocaml Problem is …

functional-programming ocaml state fsm
How do you clean up Redux' state?

As a Redux beginner, given (the idea of) a somewhat larger application I imagine a root reducer similar to: const …

reactjs state redux reducers
DropDown List resets to the first item and doesn't return a selectedvalue

So I have a country dropdownlist and a state dropdownlist which is being populated dynamically based off of the country …

c# .net drop-down-menu state country
UI-Router Multiple Views Single Controller not work

I would like to use one controller defined in views, but the $scope does not define anything. Is there a …

angularjs ionic-framework angular-ui-router state ionic-view
React defining state without a constructor

I've seen some react developers define state without a constructor. I like the fact that is simplifies the code, but …

javascript reactjs components state es6-class
Save and restore expanded/collapsed state of an ExpandableListActivity

I have an ExpandableListActivity (using a SimpleCursorTreeAdapter) which starts another activity when the user clicks on a child-element. When pressing …

android state expandablelistview
State in redux/react app has a property with the name of the reducer

I am creating an app using Redux and React. I run into a problem where I cannot map state to …

javascript reactjs state redux