Top "State" questions

The contents of memory locations, at any given point in the program's execution, is called the program's state.

How can I get a list of instantiated beans from Spring?

I have several beans in my Spring context that have state, so I'd like to reset that state before/after …

spring junit state
You attempted to set the key on an object that is meant to be immutable and has been frozen

In the following example: MapView displays elements of a ListView as annotations Clicking on a ListView element should result in …

listview reactjs react-native state android-mapview
Where Should Model State Be Stored In Angular.js

I'm finding Angular's use of models confusing. Angular seems to take the approach that a model can be anything you …

javascript model angularjs state
React-Router: how to wait for an async action before route transition

Is it possible to call an async redux action known as a thunk on a particular route and not perform …

reactjs state redux react-router react-router-redux
How to change multiple properties of a state in react (at the same time)?

I have this state in my main parent component: this.state = { playableCards: [], openedCard: null, offeredChips: 0, activePlayer: 0, // first player is 0, second …

reactjs state setstate
How to add a new key value to react js state array?

I want to add new key value to array ınto state? I tell you what I want to do below. …

reactjs state setstate
how can I pass custom data to a state from a view in ui-router?

I'm using $stateProvider for my route configuration. I wanted to take advantage of custom data they provide to pass some …

angularjs angular-ui-router state
Converting Epsilon-NFA to NFA

I'm having trouble understanding the process of converting an epsilon-NFA to a NFA, so I wondered if anybody could help …

state automata computation-theory nfa epsilon
pushState: what exactly is the state object for?

I've read a dozen of times now that the state object could exists of multiple key|value pairs and that …

html object history state pushstate
WinAPI: How to get the caps lock state?

How can get whether Caps Lock is on or off? I tried to search it but all I'm finding is …

winapi state capslock