Top "Stage" questions

In case of ActionScript terminology, stage is used as a parent Display Object of all assets like images, text, videos, swf, etc.

How to draw a bitmapfont on a stage in libgdx?

This is my current render method on my level in my Libgdx game. I am trying to draw a BitmapFont …

android game-engine libgdx stage bitmap-fonts
Make Rectangle transparent

I need to make a drawn rectangle mouse transparent, in order to see the desktop. The following code draws my …

java javafx-8 stage scene
Can you write two different Java FX scenes as two separate classes?

I'm a beginning Java programmer, finishing up the "Java 101" class at my local university. I'm also pushing myself to learn …

java javafx scene stage
JAVAFX : How to run a function after

I'm struggling with a problem where one chunk of code runs before it's initialized. @FXML public void Start(int pesel) …

java javafx stage
Git: can't commit a file even though I've resolved the conflict

I pulled from origin to update my local, and one file had conflicting changes. I resolved the conflict, but I …

git add commit conflict stage
Allow user to resize an undecorated Stage

I am working on making a screen recorder in JavaFX and one utility that is mandatory in the screen recorder …

java javafx-2 stage scene
How to close a stage after a certain amount of time JavaFX

I'm currently working with two controller classes. In Controller1 it creates a new stage that opens on top of the …

java while-loop javafx stage
Blueprism: how to use the replace function in a calculation stage?

I am reading a text from an application using BluePrism. The text has the following structure (the number varies from …

regex replace stage calculation blueprism
Why is stage undefined in my Actionscript 3 class even though I've imported the Stage class?

package { import flash.display.Stage; public class MyGlobal { public static var CX:Number = stage.stageWidth / 2; public static var CY:Number = …

actionscript-3 stage
Create a JavaFX primary stage inside a normal Java application

I have a launcher and a JavaFX class. The launcher creates a class called JavaFXApplication1. The JavaFXApplication contains the whole …

java javafx-2 javafx stage