Top "Blueprism" questions

Use this tag for technical and programming related questions about the robotic process automation tools from Blue Prism.

nternal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'XXXX' on page 'XXXX' - Not Connected

I am getting "Not Connected" issue while executing a blue prism object. Currently, I'm working for browser application and I …

blueprism rpa
Right-click option in Blueprism

I am using blueprism and I want to automate an application. For that I need to spy one field and …

automation blueprism
How to check if a data item is empty in Blueprism

I want to check if a data item is empty or not. I am storing some values from clipboard into …

automation blueprism
How to change column data type in a data table using

How can I change the data type of data column from an input data table (already filled) in VB.NET, … datatable datatables blueprism
Blue Prism, Calculation, Replace, Extract Number

I need to extract numbers from the a text in calculation stage in Blue Prism. The text is "Please take …

blueprism rpa
Which RPA tool should I learn being a C# Developer

I am a .NET developer who primarily developed web and stand alone apps using C# since beginning of my career. …

c# uipath blueprism rpa automationanywhere
Extract Regex Values (Regex Match) in Blue Prism

In Blue Prism, I need to identify specific elements of a Data Item (text), in order to use the information …

regex regex-group blueprism
how to get count of collection in blueprism

I am struggling to to get number of rows count from collection variable in Blueprism. Actually I have connected MS …

outlook automation in Blueprism

I am trying send mails using outlook in BluePrism likewise in UIpath. I am new to Blueprism but I don't …

outlook blueprism
Blueprism: how to use the replace function in a calculation stage?

I am reading a text from an application using BluePrism. The text has the following structure (the number varies from …

regex replace stage calculation blueprism