Top "Sql-like" questions

The LIKE predicate is used to search for a specific pattern in a column.

LIKE operator for Progress DB SQL

I'm trying to do something like this in Progress SQL (THIS IS NOT POSTGRES!) SELECT CASE WHEN code LIKE '%…

sql sql-like case-statement openedge progress-db
How to do a LIKE considering two columns?

I have a customer table with two columns first_name and last_name. How can I use LIKE in a …

mysql sql concatenation sql-like
SQL LIKE Performance with only the wildcard (%) as a value

I am wondering what the performance of a query would be like using the LIKE keyword and the wildcard as …

sql sql-server oracle derby sql-like
Combine 'like' and 'in' in a SqlServer Reporting Services query?

The following doesn't work, but something like this is what I'm looking for. select * from Products where Description like (@SearchedDescription + %) …

reporting-services sql-like in-clause
Avoiding SQL Injection in SQL query with Like Operator using parameters?

Taking over some code from my predecessor and I found a query that uses the Like operator: SELECT * FROM suppliers …

search sql-injection sql-like
Find rows where text array contains value similar to input

I'm trying to get rows where a column of type text[] contains a value similar to some user input. What …

arrays postgresql sql-like any unnest
How to use LIKE on inet field in Postgres

I need to perform the following query: SELECT * FROM users WHERE ip LIKE '88.99.%'; The problem is that the …

postgresql sql-like inet
SQLite accent-insensitive search

Is there any way to do an accent-insensitive LIKE query in SQLite? For example, this query: SELECT * FROM users WHERE …

sqlite qt diacritics sql-like accent-insensitive
how to make a like search in postgresql and node js

I am using node js and the module pg for connect to postrgresql i want to make a search for …

node.js postgresql sql-like
Using SQLServer contains for partial words

We are running many products search on a huge catalog with partially matched barcodes. We started with a simple like …

sql-server azure-sql-database contains sql-like