INET Framework for OMNeT++ to simulate network communications.
I'm trying to connect to some host, using invalid port, and i want to get timeout after X seconds. How …
perl sockets networking ineti'm trying to convert an IP address that's inputted by a user so that I can perform some bitwise operations …
c sockets inetHere is some code to determine the local host name that is supposed to work on a multi-homed box: /** * Work …
java network-programming inetSo, I was told in my previous question that I can use the databases provided by MaxMind to determine locations. …
java geolocation location inetI need to perform the following query: SELECT * FROM users WHERE ip LIKE '88.99.%'; The problem is that the …
postgresql sql-like inetI need to get the data from a secure URL (https) with a userid and password. How can I implement …
powerbuilder inetCan anybody tell me the difference between a INET Socket and any other socket? Is there a C# library that …
c# sockets inet