Top "Sql-like" questions

The LIKE predicate is used to search for a specific pattern in a column.

SQLite query, 'LIKE'

I am trying to retrieve information from my database. I have words like Lim Won Mong and Limited. If I …

sql sqlite sql-like
Pandas text matching like SQL's LIKE?

Is there a way to do something similar to SQL's LIKE syntax on a pandas text DataFrame column, such that …

pandas string-matching sql-like
MySQL join query using like?

I have been trying to get this working for quite a while now but it just doesn't seem to work, …

mysql join sql-like
SQL LIKE % inside array

I know how to perform an SQL LIKE % query for a single value like so: SELECT * FROM users WHERE name …

php mysql sql sql-like
implement LIKE query in PDO

I am running problems in implementing LIKE in PDO I have this query: $query = "SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE address LIKE …

php mysql pdo sql-like
Like operator for integer

I have a column of type bigint (ProductSerial) in my table. I need to filter the table by the Product …

sql sql-like
MYSQL use 'LIKE' in 'WHERE' clause to search in subquery

How would you use 'LIKE' to search in a subquery? E.g. i've tried doing this, but doesn't work: SELECT * …

mysql sql subquery where-clause sql-like
How to SELECT using both wildcards (LIKE) and array (IN)?

In SQL, if you want to perform a SELECT with a wildcard, you'd use: SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE field_…

sql sql-like
Is it possible to perform a "LIKE" statement in a SSIS Expression?

I'm using a Derived Column Task to change column data using a CASE WHEN statement. However, I need to be …

sql ssis sql-like case-statement dataflowtask
SQL select string that doesn't contain Y but contains X

I'm attempting to select all of the instances where this database field has a string but does not contain a …

sql regex select sql-like