Top "In-clause" questions

The IN clause of a SQL query is a function, generaly used within a WHERE clause, that returns true if a value is in a given set.

PreparedStatement IN clause alternatives?

What are the best workarounds for using a SQL IN clause with instances of java.sql.PreparedStatement, which is not …

java security jdbc prepared-statement in-clause
How to put more than 1000 values into an Oracle IN clause

Is there any way to get around the Oracle 10g limitation of 1000 items in a static IN clause? I have …

oracle in-clause
PreparedStatement with list of parameters in a IN clause

How to set value for in clause in a preparedStatement in JDBC while executing a query. Example: connection.prepareStatement("Select * …

java jdbc prepared-statement in-clause
SQL Server - In clause with a declared variable

Let say I got the following : DECLARE @ExcludedList VARCHAR(MAX) SET @ExcludedList = 3 + ', ' + 4 + ' ,' + '22' SELECT * FROM …

sql sql-server-2008 in-clause
Linq to Entities - SQL "IN" clause

In T-SQL you could have a query like: SELECT * FROM Users WHERE User_Rights IN ("Admin", "User", "Limited") How would …

.net linq linq-to-entities in-clause
IN Clause with NULL or IS NULL

Postgres is the database Can I use a NULL value for a IN clause? example: SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE …

sql postgresql null conditional-statements in-clause
JPA passing list to IN clause in named native query

I know I can pass a list to named query in JPA, but how about NamedNativeQuery? I have tried many …

jpa arraylist in-clause nativequery
passing list to IN clause in HQL or SQL?

I get List<Strings> by executing a query. This must be passed to another query of IN clause …

java hibernate hql in-clause
MySQL variable format for a "NOT IN" list of values

Going crazy trying to set a variable in a query of type: SET @idcamposexcluidos='817,803,495'; so i can then …

mysql sql in-clause
MySQL number of items within "in clause"

I have three tables to define users: USER: user_id (int), username (varchar) USER_METADATA_FIELD: user_metadata_field_id (…

sql mysql in-clause