Top "Spring-data" questions

Spring Data is an umbrella open source project which contains many subprojects that are specific to a given database.

Spring Data + MongoDB GridFS access via Repository possible?

I recently discovered GridFS which I'd like to use for file storage with metadata. I just wondered if it's possible …

spring mongodb spring-data gridfs spring-data-mongodb
Are you supposed to have one repository per table in JPA?

Are you supposed to have one repository per table in JPA? If not, how do you resolve the generics in …

java jpa spring-data-jpa spring-data
Spring Data : Java configuration for MongoDB without XML

I tried the Spring Guide Accessing Data with MongoDB. What I can't figure out is how do I configure my …

java spring mongodb spring-data spring-data-mongodb
Why does RestTemplate not bind response representation to PagedResources?

I am using spring-data-rest to expose entities as (paged) rest resources. Everything works fine, but when I request data via …

json spring rest spring-data spring-data-rest
Spring Data Redis: Setting a Password

I have a need to provide a secure connection to Redis from my microservices. So if I want to add …

spring-data spring-data-redis
Use QueryHint when using JpaSpecificationExecutor

I use spring data and the JpaSpecificationExecutor::findAll method to fetch my models. How I could use query hints when …

java spring-data eclipselink specification-pattern
Java 8 Date/Time (JSR-310) types mapping with Spring Data MongoDB

I have simple document with Java 8 date/time fields @Document public class Token { private Instant createdAt; ... } that I want to …

java java-8 spring-data spring-data-mongodb java-time
Spring Data Solr multiple cores and repository

I have apache solr with multiple cores e.g. currency, country etc... So using Spring Data Solr I can retrieve …

spring spring-data spring-data-solr
Can Spring Data REST's QueryDSL integration be used to perform more complex queries?

I'm currently building a REST API in which I want clients to easily filter on most properties of a specific …

spring spring-data spring-data-jpa spring-data-rest querydsl
What's the difference between Spring Data MongoDB and Hibernate OGM for MongoDB?

I have not used Spring Data before but I've used Hibernate ORM a number of times for MySQL based application. …

spring mongodb spring-data spring-data-mongodb hibernate-ogm