Top "Spring-data" questions

Spring Data is an umbrella open source project which contains many subprojects that are specific to a given database.

How do you use Spring Data JPA outside of a Spring Container?

I'm trying to wire up Spring Data JPA objects manually so that I can generate DAO proxies (aka Repositories) - …

spring jpa jakarta-ee spring-data spring-data-jpa
Spring boot integration with spring batch and jpa

I am integrating a spring boot project with a spring batch and data jpa project . All stuff related to job …

spring spring-boot spring-data spring-batch
spring data mongo - mongotemplate count with query hint

The mongo docs specify that you can specify a query hint for count queries using the following syntax: db.orders.…

mongodb spring-data spring-data-mongodb mongodb-java
How to set up liquibase in Spring for multiple data sources?

I need to set up liquibase for two datasources in Spring, at the moment it seems that only one liquibase …

spring spring-boot spring-data liquibase
Spring Data MongoDB Repositories Query multiple fields

Here is my document: @Document(collection = "posts") public class Post { @Id String id; String title; String description; } I'm trying to …

spring mongodb spring-data spring-data-mongodb
Difference between @RestController and @RepositoryRestController

What is the typical use case code that shows the difference between those two annotations - meaning the @RestController and …

spring-mvc spring-data spring-data-rest spring-restcontroller
How to create RedisCacheManager in spring-data 2.0.x

I'm migrating my application from spring boot 1.5.x to 2.0.x. I want to keep jedis but I have a problem …

java spring-boot redis spring-data jedis
How to get entitymanager programmatically in Spring?

I am trying to integrate our DAO maven module to spring, we don't want to change any code of the …

spring spring-data openjpa spring-data-jpa
Exact case insensitive match in spring-data mongo

I am using spring data with mongo, and a repository. Eg: @Query("{ 'userName' : ?0 }") public User findByUsername(String username); I want …

java spring mongodb spring-data spring-data-mongodb
Sequence does not exist when it does - Postgres/Spring Boot

I am writing a Spring Boot web-app and using a Postgres db to persist my data. I created a table …

postgresql hibernate spring-data database-sequence