Top "Spring-data" questions

Spring Data is an umbrella open source project which contains many subprojects that are specific to a given database.

Spring data elastic search - Query - Full text search

I am trying to use elastic search for full text search and Spring data for integrating elastic search with my …

elasticsearch spring-data spring-data-elasticsearch
Isolated Controller Test can't instantiate Pageable

I have a Spring MVC Controller which uses Pagination Support of Spring-Data: @Controller public class ModelController { private static final int …

spring-mvc testing spring-data spring-mvc-test
Why is Spring Data MongoDB unable to instantiate this nested type structure?

My document structure is like: { _id: "A", groups:[{ groupId: "someId", groupName: "someName", params: { type1: ["a", "b"], type2: ["c", d] } }], config: { …

mongodb spring-data spring-data-mongodb
How to maintain bi-directional relationships with Spring Data REST and JPA?

Working with Spring Data REST, if you have a OneToMany or ManyToOne relationship, the PUT operation returns 200 on the "non-owning" …

java spring-boot spring-data spring-data-jpa spring-data-rest
Does Spring Data MongoDB support enums?

For Java enum type, I learn that there are two solutions for MongoDB: serialization and using Jackson’s ObjectMapper. Can …

spring-data spring-data-mongodb
How do I query for dates in Spring Data MongoDB repository?

My domain object - Person{ String name; Date born; } and I have a PersonRepository PersonRepository{ @Query(value="{'born': {$gt: new …

java spring mongodb spring-data spring-data-mongodb
Generate automatically Spring Data Repositories from JPA entities

I have a lot of JPA entities automatically created from a relational database schema. Is there any way to generate …

java spring-boot spring-data spring-data-jpa spring-repositories
spring-data mongodb custom implementation PropertyReferenceException

I'm trying to implement a custom query according to the Reference 4.4 Custom Implementations:…

spring spring-data spring-data-mongodb
Liquibase generate changelog from JPA entities

I have a Spring boot, spring data jpa project with a parent and three children modules. One of my modules …

spring-boot spring-data liquibase liquibase-hibernate
I can't autowire repository in spring

I am trying to autowire repository in controller using spring annotation. I am getting error…

java spring spring-mvc spring-data noclassdeffounderror