Top "Gridfs" questions

GridFS is a specification for storing large files in MongoDB.

HTML5 video will not loop

I have a video as a background to a web page, and I am trying to get it to loop. …

google-chrome mime-types html5-video rack gridfs
MongoDB GridFs with C#, how to store files such as images?

I'm developing a web app with mongodb as my back-end. I'd like to have users upload pictures to their profiles …

c# .net mongodb gridfs
Is GridFS fast and reliable enough for production?

I develop a new website and I want to use GridFS as storage for all user uploads, because it offers …

mongodb nginx gridfs
MongoDB as file storage

i'm trying to find the best solution to create scalable storage for big files. File size can vary from 1-2 …

mongodb storage gridfs bigdata
Distributed File Systems: GridFS vs. GlusterFS vs Ceph vs HekaFS Benchmarks

I am currently searching for a good distributed file system. It should: be open-source be horizontally scalable (replication and sharding) …

filesystems gridfs glusterfs ceph
How to use GridFS to store images using Node.js and Mongoose

I am new to Node.js. Can anyone provide me an example of how to use GridFS for storing and …

mongodb node.js express mongoose gridfs
How to chain write stream, immediately with a read stream in Node.js 0.10?

The following line will download an image file from a specified url variable: var filename = path.join(__dirname, url.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, …

node.js stream mongoose pipe gridfs
Storing some small (under 1MB) files with MongoDB in NodeJS WITHOUT GridFS

I run a website that runs on a backend of nodeJS + mongoDB. Right now, I'm implementing a system to store …

node.js mongodb gridfs
Querying MongoDB GridFS?

I have a blogging system that stores uploaded files into the GridFS system. Problem is, I dont understand how to …

mongodb node.js mongoose gridfs
Convert Base64 image to raw binary with Node.js

I have found posts that are close to what I'm looking for, but I have not been able to successfully …

javascript node.js image base64 gridfs